STOCK Carbide Funds

STOCK company's carbide funds Germany, in addition to being proven to be the best choice in funds you can trust, they also have an important advantage. They are made entirely in Germany with German raw material (German carbide) and with the best and always pioneering coating. The design of the F-UT series with the different degrees on each wing and the formation of a double groove in the helix, which helps to more effectively remove the burr during cutting, as well as the 45 degree break on the cutting edge of each wing, brings the funds of this series in first place worldwide in durability and speed.
In the video you can enjoy cutting with STOCK F-UT tool in Φ12 with catalog number 64551 (general purpose) in impax material hardness 42 HRC with depth of cut 14mm, revolutions 4,800 1/min and feed 2,700.
In the list below you can make your choice: F-UT general STOCK
For more information ask us at tel. 2310760482