STOCK collage

The company STOCK from Berlin has, among other things, a prominent position in the world ranking of high-quality cologne production. Choosing the right guide for each application is now easy due to the simple coding based on different colors.
Each colloid has a colored ring on it, the color of which refers to the materials for which it is intended to be used. In this way, everyone can understand at a first glance which materials each jig can be processed as well as their hardness. For example, collets with a green ring are intended for machining steel and stainless steel, while those with a yellow ring are for softer materials such as mild steel and aluminum. The collets with the blue ring are special collets for stainless steel, the red ring is intended for machining hard materials, while the white ring is for cast iron.
Finally, the STOCK pioneering as always he created the black ring guide for aluminum, which in its helical form is dipteran for better results. The STOCK catalog also contains a table with recommendations for the correct use of the collets and cutting conditions depending on the materials to be processed.
It is very important, mainly to extend the life of each tool, to faithfully follow the cutting conditions of the manufacturer, on the condition, of course, that the materials we use are certified and selected according to the mentioned quality.
For dimensions see the link below: Taps STOCK
For the thread table see here: Table of colougues
and for more information at tel. 2310760482