Hydraulic Clamping

Lately, the house STOCK of Germany, in its effort to provide comprehensive support to any resulting machining, has dynamically entered the field of tool holding.
The new line of hydraulic machining center cones promises to provide maximum security in the support and holding of its tools STOCK . Using the hydraulic cones in conjunction with the company's tools STOCK we achieve maximum stability by giving our processing the security it needs to achieve the desired result without hesitation. The advantages of hydraulic clamping are so many that we can refer to it as the most precise clamping (sometimes even more effective than heat shrink clamping). The main advantages of hydraulic clamping are as follows:
- Perfect concentricity (stable along the tool),
- Minimized interference problem,
- Simple clamping mechanism with standard hex key and
- System immune to inaccuracy due to dust.
In the following link you can make your choice: Hydraulic chucks STOCK
For more information ask us at tel. 2310760482